How often does the gas sensor need to be recalibrated and its environmental impact?

2023-03-25 16:41:34

          We all know that to ensure the accurate measurement of gas detectors, users must calibrate the instruments regularly. However, what is the calibrating time interval? If the interval is too short, it will waste too much manpower and material resources, which may also affect the service life of the instrument. If the interval is too long, the error of the instrument may not be discovered in time, resulting in inaccurate detection results. So, how often should users calibrate the detector?

        The time interval for initial and recalibration of gas sensors depends on many factors, including the use temperature, humidity, pressure, exposure to which gas, and the duration of New sensors should be exposed to various environments, even if they are not accustomed to the environment. After using the sensor for more than ten days, routine testing should be carried out in the atmospheric environment.If the test results are all within the normal range, it is still necessary to be cautious and repeat the test after a period of time. It is recommended to retest within 30 days. If the calibration time interval exceeds one year, the sensor should be replaced as early as possible within the shelf life of the sensor to reduce the risk of failure during the sensor inspection interval.Keep operational records of all testing, calibration, and alarm events.When there are operational or environmental changes, a re-examination should be conducted.

      However, most products can provide very stable signals for a long time, and the use of gas sensors only requires regular calibration, such as once a year. If the sensor requires extremely high precision or is used for scientific research applications, calibration work may need to be more frequent.In addition, the use environment of gas sensors is also an important factor affecting their accuracy.If gas sensors are contaminated by alkali metals, their characteristics may be significantly affected. Avoid exposure to saltwater spray.If exposed to high concentrations of alkaline gases such as ammonia, the characteristics of the gas sensor may be affected, so avoid such situations. Please avoid using or storing gas sensors in places where silicon adhesive, silicon-containing hair gel, silicon rubber, or silicon putty are used. Silicon vapor evaporating from silicon-containing products may cause blockage of the gas flow channel inside the sensor.If there is a sustained large amount of condensation inside and on the surface of the gas sensor for an extended period, it may cause blockage of the gas flow channel and the deterioration of the gas sensitive membrane. However, slight condensation produced in a normal indoor environment does not have a significant impact on the gas sensor.If the gas sensor is exposed to hydrogen sulfide and sulfuric acid gas environment, it may damage the internal gas diffusion membrane, cap, or main body due to corrosion.If the gas sensor is exposed to organic vapor produced by alcohol, acetone, volatile oil, etc., the gas-sensitive part may adsorb the organic vapor, causing temporary changes in the sensor’s characteristics.If the gas sensor is exposed to extreme dust and oily mist, it may cause blockage of the holes inside the gas sensor. It is recommended to install an external filter on the upper part of the gas sensor if it is used in such an environment.In cases of rapid freezing in low-temperature environments, the gas sensor may experience leaks that can negatively affect its characteristics. This is particularly likely to happen when the cap is positioned downward in a machine.

        Stay tuned for more information about gas sensors from us in the future. As a professional supplier of sensors, instruments, and IoT ecological solutions, Sangbay has more than 10 years of industry experience. In the future, we will continue to provide domestic and international customers with more diversified categories, stronger capabilities, and more affordable sensor products, with the aim of advancing towards the smartification of IoT construction, production, and life in the 5G era!

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